Gazich, Sirianni e Straniero live at Radio Svizzera!

Monday, February 5, 8 pm
Studio 2 RSI in Lugano-Besso

"Domani si vive e si muore" is the new recording project signed by Michele Gazich, Federico Sirianni and Giovanni Straniero, nephew of the Michele L. Straniero who was the soul of the "Cantacronache," the "putative fathers" of songwriting in Italy who, in the Turin of the economic boom of the late 1950s, posed as a counterbalance to the euphoric narrative of a glittering rich society. It was an extraordinary experience, to say the least, that managed to bring together some of the greatest intellectuals and musicians of the time: from Umberto Eco to Italo Calvino, via Gianni Rodari, Andrea Liberovici, Fausto Amodei and Margot just to name a few.

Giovanni dug up unpublished poetry by his grandfather Michele - a journalist, writer, songwriter, musicologist and poet - which Sirianni and Gazich set to music, indeed, writes Giovanni: "Gazich and Sirianni did not just set the poems to music, they arranged them, sang them and interpreted them with passion. Not only that. They also created two new songs, "Today I met Michele Straniero" and "Danzacronaca" in a kind of homage to the life of Michele L. Straniero."

All info here:



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latest album now!

Argon, Michele Gazich's latest album, will be officially released on November 26th.
You can order or listen to it on the main online platforms



Order or listen to the
latest album now!

Argon, Michele Gazich's latest album, will be officially released on November 26th.
You can order or litsen to it on the main online platforms


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